I am Mysterious

I am Mysterious
Loving me is like loving yourself

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy birthday bro :)

Muhammad Afif

Turned ~~~ 19 years old hokayyyy !

Happy happy happy birthday to youuuu !! =D

Wish u best of LUCK in everything u do ~ Be A man . . Somebody . . Success ! Semoga selalu dilindungi Allah S.W.T, dimurahkan rezeki dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang sehat sempurna ^_^

Thursday, February 10, 2011

H E Y L O :))

*Balek je trus gedik nkk update blog !! yuhuuu !

Feelin so good.. =)) sebab.. ary ni sy mencurahkan bakti dan khidmat di HSAH dgn penuh dedikasi, alaaa..selalu berkhidmat dgn dedikasi apaaa ! *blush ... and and and.. bestttt sgtttt gosip2 dgn k.nisa.. byk agy nkk kena update..heeheehee.. gosip2 jgak, keje org., org settlekan dulu, org bwat eh ! =p Today balik awal. Mcm plan nkk kuar pas balek keje, tp dorg tkk jd plak.. besok kottt, enjoy tyme cuty bru puasss kannn. Report dhh settle dri last week ag.. nkk antar besok, 2nggu wany.. nkk antar samasama.. semua nkk samasama.. *olwez ! yeay ! so dhh tade benda y kronik sgttt nk pkir sal study..huhuhu. sila beri kerjasama dgn tidak menimbulkan OR menyesakkan dada saya ngan problemo..

lots of love
big hug

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Put a smile on ur loveface, ina !

hye hye hye =)) dan2 senyum.. tgk title la dear

A picture can describe something yaww !*

hummm..ummmm..hurmm..emmmm.. semenjak dua menjak ni saya sgt sibuk. masa macam maen kejar2 ngan saya.. makin singkat.. wat apa sume tak cukup masa.
penat.. haih.. oke2.. sekrg ina dhh pandai nkk senyum2 kat semua org.. tnpa perlu dipaksa and terpaksa. byler senyum rasa ikhlas, rasa senang.. rupanya ni sbb sume org sruh senyum.. so sekrg ssape pon lhh y jumpa or tegur ina, y ta senyum pon ina senyum =)))) shukew sgtsgtsgt !

lots of love
big hug

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


i believe everything happens for a reason and this year keep move on babyyy =))
gedik lhh hang ina dhh besar2 baby2 agy

I"m feels so better now and i feel that i've change a lot :) I'm never being better act, but i feel better. laen okehhhh. I'm still young and a lot things to do. I deserve fer anything i want but not too deserve la :) ikut kemampuan diri... I'll understand people if they do understanding me =DD so be coooool guys, don't ever give up if you do have problem and don't know how to settle it just trust yourself , only dat things can be everything.
nothing is possible. iye2 jerrr ! HAHAHA. pdahal nangis2 jgak.. halaaaaaa lepak lhh kan.. nangis biasa lhh tu.
wtpe nkk bajet tabah segala~~~

Air mata tu kann teman setia, haruslhh nangesh, wuaarghhh :'(
Tipu kalau KAU, KAU, KAU, ta nangesh eh ! :)
OKE, kesat airmata samasama meyh ^_^

lots of love
big hug


Monday, February 7, 2011

B to the O to the S to the A to the N

I'm never being better but I'm still happy with this life,i try to make my life become wonderfull :)

try to Stop thinking about love or anything can make my hurt pain

*sakit tau :) thnx. thnx.

I am a quiet person *act*

I am an easy cry *standard aaa*

I am a person who likes to keep my own secret *ta pcaya sapa2*

I am a strong girl *kdgkdg*

I am a boring person

i eat people,human flesh very tasty,so watch out (!)
harharhar aku mengarut, stop inaaa, nunyte~~~ ^_^

lots of love
big hug

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Psst psst !

Seindah bintang d langit malam, seumpama bulan y ta tenggelam.. y akhirnya karam menjadi kelam, hitam dah legam... terima kasih bg y mengunjung =))
it's been a long time since my last update. WOooOoohhh!
speaking london, england, dan nottingham gituu.. kui kui kui.

A usual on9 fb.. blablabla.. call someone.. so tapelahhh kann *stakat ini shj.. Errkkk =p

*prangggggg ! mcm owg pecahkan cermin kereta tu..haaaa.. cmtu lhhh rasa haty saya.. teruk lagy sbb tacing tkk bertempat~~~ huh !

sepatutnya dhh lama kena follow cam lagu peterpan menghapus jejakmu uhhh !

*I dont know y im crying right now =(

night ~~~
lots of love
big hug